Friday, December 20, 2019

People on the bus the other month:

1) A (young) (thin) (black) guy with crazy eyes talking on his phone so loud, talking about some nasty chick who doesn't smell like perfume, she smells like shit, and "fuck this" and "fuck that," all for a very long time until he finally gets off the bus.

. . .

2) After he leaves, a (younger) (fat) (bearded) (white) guy, who turns around to talk to people very loudly, saying how he was in prison for some crime but he doesn't do anything now, and he doesn't seem to be talking to anyone in particular, so the bus driver asks him to stop, or she'll go and make him get off the bus.

. . .

3) Like right after he gets on, the (older) (black) lady sitting next to me, who I had chit-chatted with on and off for the entire ride, who goes to get off the bus to go meet her friend for dinner, who after saying "Have a good night" is like, "And good luck with the other one."

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