Friday, November 12, 2010

Update: My one (older) (black) friend who works at the library...

I went to go visit her at the other library last week, since I hadn't seen her in a while.

Somehow we got to talking about that book about the Great Migration, and she was going to tell her family about it.

She was also asking me about karaoke, and I was telling her about my one rendition from a while ago of Eric Carmen's "All By Myself".

"I think I know it," she was like, "Sing it to me," and when I got to the chorus, she picked it up and sang a bit and was like, "Yep, that's it!"

I also had invited her to accompany me to my scrotal examination since I could bring a family member or friend along for company, but she was cutting someone's hair that morning and couldn't.

"But stop by and tell me how it went," she was like.

And, as I left and said by and was walking away, she was like, "Just look at me," and I turned to look at her, and she was like, "I'm sitting here...

"ALL BY MY-SELF...!!!!"

- and she broke out into song into the huge empty vestibule of the science library.

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