Friday, September 27, 2024

Some very unpleasant (South Asian) customers…

…encountered by the one (older) (white) (female) (townie) bartender at the one (local brewery) that I go to, in the one (college) town that I now live in:

Two (South Asian) students – one male and one female – are out on the patio with drinks and it’s closing time, so she comes to tell them to come finish their drinks inside since she is doing stuff and they have time, but she needs to lock the front door and close the patio, and the (male) (South Asian) student seems incensed, perhaps because (as she says) she’s a woman, and he says something about there being a customer inside at the bar and they can stay out on the patio if he is in there, and she is like, “Please come inside,” and she’s firm, but they won’t, so she’s like, “Fine,” and locks the door, and then they just sit and sit and sit outside for way too long, even when they’re done with their drinks, and finally when the other customer gets up to leave and goes out, then they finally get up too, because that one (South Asian) (male) student wanted to show her he was going to do what he wanted to do, so when they were finally getting up to leave alongside that other customer who's passing by, she comes outside and is like, “I close the patio for everyone, that is how we operate here,” and he sniped at her about them being out on the patio when it closed and they should have been able to sit there etc. etc. etc., and without him finishing, she was like, “Okay, good night,” and she turned around to go inside.

“He really had a thing with women,” she was like. "He was scary."

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