Saturday, November 11, 2023

Two recent interactions with coworkers... the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now:

1) After the (husband) boss accidentally added meat to a vegetarian dish and messed up the order when he was helping out in the kitchen for some reason, I grabbed that and ate it as my staff meal for that shift.

And, later, I told my one (chubby) (Thai) coworker, "This is important, to get the boss to like you -- eat his mistakes!".

(She liked that.)

2) There's this one (new) (taller) (Thai) coworker, parts of whose facial structure strangely resembles my one (professor) friend who studies (modern) (Czech) literature, to the point where if I see her out of the corner of my eye at a certain angle, I viscerally confuse them.

And, when I was doing some word searches that my mother cuts out of the newspaper and mails me so that I have something to do during downtime at work, she asked me what it was and I showed her, and she helped me out with the word search.

And, later, I showed her how in that particular puzzle type the leftover letters spell out a word with the same theme.

"Oh!", she was like, and she had this look of just utter pleasure on her face, like that was the best thing ever.

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