Thursday, September 2, 2010

Story from my one friend with the cat: Margaritas.

My one friend with the cat met me for this free dancing in the park event despite having woken up with a really nasty hangover that morning...

The previous afternoon like 4pm she went to this outdoor taco place with some friends she plays tennis with so they could snag a table before the after-work crowed flooded the place.

As it turns out, her friend ordered a pitcher of margaritas, and when they were finishing the first one, she was like, "Whoh, this is strong, we should switch to beer," but her friends convinced her to just eat a taco and then they'd see what happen.

So, the last thing she remembers is eating a taco and then starting a 2nd pitcher of margaritas... She talked to one of her friends, and she said they had to walk her home.

That night, too, at 10pm, she came to consciousness in her bathroom in the same skirt she had worn to margaritas, and she was sitting on the edge of her bathtub holding an icepack to this bump on her head that she doesn't know how she got.

Then, she looked around, and there was vomit all over the bathtub and all over the bathroom floor, and some down the center of her skirt, especially at the bottom.

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