Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Twice / French.

My life has been bogged down in doing things twice lately, or getting things redone, like --

1) Having to call up for my extra-ing paycheck; the money for the second gig came in, but not the first.

2) Having to call up GAP to get my credit card cancelled and a new one sent out, since my bill arrived but not the card, only when my new card finally came in, along with it came the first, which I had already cancelled.

3) Having to go to the student clinic to get them to note my payment, since I had paid at the time and the charge went through, but it wasn't noted in their records.

4) Having to go to the hardware store a 2nd time, because they fucked up 2 keys I had made, to the point where they don't open the door.

That said, I met a French student for breakfast today and learned some practical French for use in West African markets, such as --

Je suis blanc, mais je ne suis pas stupid, ne riche!

(=I am white, but I am not stupid, or rich!)

Saddly, I forgot to ask him how to say, "Sorry, I cannot, there is no room in my suitcase!", which is supposedly a response that gets a good laugh out of Africans when they ask you to take them back to America with you.


JUSIPER said...

Wait a minute, you have a GAP credit card?

el blogador said...

I signed up for one to get %20 off of my purchase.