Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Second thoughts...

Some friends who are very practical are getting married, and sent out a .pdf invitation to their wedding today. There was a link to a webpage that they had got set up, which was actually pretty cool since it had all their info condensed to one place, and looked very nice since the husband-to-be is a computer guy and did the nice graphics work himself, I'm assuming, but on their "contact us" page, they had a comments feature, and in my shock I said the webpage was a little much, almost like they were rubbing capitalism in my face. I'm thinking now I shouldn't have said that, but it's too late now to retract, since I already hit the "post comments" button. Fuck.


A said...

It must be moderated because your post isn't up there. But your post here made me go look at the invite closer... I totally missed the webpage!

el blogador said...

Thank heavens. I need better impulse control.

JUSIPER said...

You shouldn't have said that. But don't you think a PDF invitation is kind of tacky?

A said...

It was a Save-the-Date. I'm assuming real invites are in the mail. Then again, when I've watched these wedding shows and seen how much fancy invites are, I'm thinking pdf is the way to go.

el blogador said...

That actually made me happy to see the pdf invitation rather than a real expensive paper one that eats up the earth's resources. But, a whole website devoted to the wedding? I guess it's nice, but who has the time? I'm glad the comment didn't post.