Saturday, March 1, 2025

Three restaurant happenings over two days... the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now, like over a month ago:

1) The temp is very cold outside and I wipe the front door glass for smudges from the inside and then go outside to do the same thing, only I can't wipe off the Windex on the outside, it's like smearing, and suddenly I realize that it's so cold, that the Windex is freezing in small misted sheets onto the glass.

(I then go back inside and get a wholly fresh paper towel to make sure that it was not some residual moisture in the used paper towel that we keep upfront and use and reuse until it's tattered away, to wipe small smudges off the glass whenever we realize that that's happened, and what do you know, the same thing happens with the new paper towel, too, it is indeed so cold that the Windex is freezing on the glass if you try to clean the front-door glass from the outside.)

2) After a particularly busy Sunday lunch rush with many individual checks -- 21 across three big groups, of 11 and 5 and 5! -- and many low and bad tippers who are mostly (foreign), the entire restaurant is like decimated after suddenly everyone ups and leaves, and there's like a table here and a table there and everything else is vacant but dirty and we just manage to to clear one single table when a (white) mom and her (teenage) (white) daughter come in and we sit them down at that one clear table, and I immediately apologize for how wrecked the restaurant is looking since every other table in the entire restaurant is full of dirty dishes, apart from the like two other tables where parties are still present, and I say that we just happened to have a big lunch rush and everyone all left at once, too, and we hadn't had a chance to clean anything up, so, sorry, we do apologize for the mess.

"Don't worry, it's okay," she was like. "It looks like my house. In fact, it makes me feel at home."

3) When my one (newer) (tall) (young) (Chinese from China) coworker is talking about how the H-mart in town had a delayed opening after a number of years, and he thinks it took five years to open, he turns and asks me in front of all of my other coworkers if it was five years like he thought it was.

"At least that," I was like. "Originally they were going to call it A-mart, and then it got delayed a year, so they called it B-mart, and then it got delayed another year, so they called it C-mart, and what is it now, H-mart? Yeah, so it must have been at least five years, probably more."

(I feel like my making family-friendly jokes at  table-side with customers is influencing my everyday behavior more and more -- I'm like becoming this purveyor of "gee wilkers" cornpone comedy that people of all ages can laugh at, though they often choose not to.)

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