Friday, February 28, 2025

Local jigsaw puzzle donation notoriety.

Like a month or so ago after Christmas I went to the local church-run charity resale shop to donate some unwanted presents and to re-donate some stop-gap scarves that I had bought from them when I couldn't find mine for the winter, originally, when I was taking out my winter clothes for the year, and also to give them some high-quality jigsaw puzzles that I had kept for them, that they could presumably sell quickly and make some money off of, since I save the better ones with all the pieces there for them, instead of putting them at the local public library's "take one, leave one" honor-system jigsaw puzzle exchange table in their foyer, there, since I leave just any old jigsaw puzzle there, since anything will do, there, but the resale shop would benefit from having the better kind of jigsaw puzzle.

And, "Are all the pieces there?", the (old) (white) lady at the counter-desk at the resale shop asked me.

And, I told her that they were, and I showed her how I had carefully masking-taped a small slip of paper so it stuck out of the edge of each box, and how it said for whoever was looking that all the pieces were there as of such-and-such a date.

"Thank you," that lady said, and then, another (old) (white) lady who was standing by there looked closely at me and then was like, "So you're the one who does that."

She then said that that is helpful, and that one of their workers used to count the pieces before selling each puzzle, but that takes so much time, that that just doesn't make much sense.

She also said that she gets some of the puzzles there for her family, and that her little grandson likes them and does them with his family, and she always takes out the pieces for him and lines them up, and one day he was like, "Mama is good at puzzles and Papa is good at puzzles but you're not good at puzzles, Grandma," since she would do that for him but she would never actually work at the actual puzzles like her daughter and her son-in-law would do, so you know what she told him, she told him, "Why, who do you think gathers the pieces for you," and that's what she told her little grandson, since he didn't think that she was any good at doing jigsaw puzzles.

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