Friday, February 14, 2025

Some occurrences from several months ago:

1) At the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now, my one (newer) (female) (Guatemalan) coworker pulls something out of her pocket, and gives me a (round) (gold) coin from (Guatemala), as a gift for me to have. 

2) Later, at a very rare weekday lunch-shift because I just don't work those anymore, I see a(n older) (nerdy) (white) man and his (older) (Asian) wife who are regular lunch customers -- pad thai chicken and beef noodle soup, usually! -- and we haven't seen each other since right before I headed out of town to the city that I used to live in to go see a concert and that was almost a year ago, now, and we talk some, including about my changing shifts because there's new staff with different schedule demands that displaced me from what I used to work, and also about child-appropriate music and role models with pop and rock (like, they don't let their [middle school-age] daughter listen to a lot of music where the singer has highly questionable content and behavior, children are just too suggestible at that age, and I have to agree with them, that that's a good decision).

3) My shit one morning was just one of the widest shits that I simply have ever seen in my life, it was like round and curvy and also just incredibly incredibly wide, like so wide it's amazing that something like that could even come out of your asshole unhindered (perhaps this was related to all the fiber from sweet potato soup that I was eating at the time, and like maybe that gave the shit a certain amount of "give" coming out that got it out of my asshole, but it also kept it together as one piece with a rough shape and let it re-expand and sprawl out a bit, once it came out of my bowels and sat there some in the toilet?).

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