Friday, November 24, 2023

A day of mostly (Thai) restaurant happenings...

...also from a bit ago, at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now:

1) I open my fridge before I'm due to go to work that day and no light goes on, and I get worried that maybe the fridge failed and I'll have to deal with getting it repaired and stopping food from spoiling, but while I'm out in my living room after that, I hear the fridge kick on, and so I know that it's just the light that went out, and not the whole entire fridge that failed

2) When I ask my one (tall) (young) (Mexican-American) coworker about how some concerts that he went to were, he starts retelling me the story about how he got throw into a mike stand at one concert where his girlfriend was singing, only this time he says that he has a scar on his back from it.

3) My one (chubby) (Thai) coworker is extremely tired, since she was up until 4am binging a (Korean) law drama on Netflix.

. . .

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