Friday, November 12, 2021

Business cards, and a bonfire.

During my cleaning, I also uncovered business cards, that I sometimes set aside, because sometimes I think I'd like to revive the memories of whoever was in there.

So, I slipped them into my most recent envelope, like I've kept for simply years now; I take a manilla envelope and slip ephemera in there and mark the date on the outside of when I started that, and then eventually it fills up and I tape the top and mark on the outside when it finished, and then I go and start up a new envelope.

And, I have a small taped-up box full of a number of these envelopes, and like maybe 3-5 other more recent ones that were in my big office supplies bin that I keep a lot of random stuff in that I access fairly frequently, like the logbook where I've been listing for years now all of the books that I read for recreation, with rough start and finish dates, if I don't mess those up.

Lately I've been thinking that before I move, I'd like to open up all of the envelopes and spend some time with whatever's in there; maybe see some stuff, have a memory and its fullness, and set aside the truly essential in new envelopes, maybe to look at again one day.

And, the rest, I'd like to have a bonfire of, a bonfire of me. Just things that have been there and served their time, and that I've now seen again, and that I'm ready to set free into the past.

Somehow this just seems right.

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