Thursday, July 9, 2020

A coworker's reaction to a cult memoir.

At the resthome, my one (Mexican) coworker is a pretty voracious reader, and our taste overlaps a little bit; we both like true crime, although I like cult memoirs, while her taste shades off into thrillers and romance novels.

The other week, she was saying that she was out of books since the library was closed, so I offered to loan her something, and I tried to think of something that might interest her, although the only thing I could think of was a memoir from a Mormon Fundamentalist woman who was able to escape that group with all of her children, something that doesn't happen too often since they live in remote areas and marriage and then especially kids traps women into households for pretty much like ever.

She agreed - "Is this fiction, or non-fiction?", she was like, and was open to it when I said it was non-fiction - and so I brought it in the book for her on the next shift.

Then, like after a week we worked together again, and so I asked her what she thought about it.

She said that it had been busy and she only read part of the first section, where it talked about the night of the escape, but it was good, so far, it was interesting.

Like the time we worked together after that, I asked her again what she thought about it.

She said it was a bit boring, it was all about how they were growing up and the author was in fourth grade, and everyone was molested.

She also said that it was a lot of work, to remember all the characters.

She then went into some long explanation of the rearrangements and emotions when a new wife came into the author's family, just sentences and sentences and sentences and I couldn't really catch what she was talking about because I had read the book so long ago, and she ended it all up by saying, "...and the, eh, fourth wife, she moved into the daughter's room, because the new wife is in the bedroom with the husband!"

And you could tell she just found that weird and kind of appalling, that the wife had to move into the daughter's room.

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