Monday, November 12, 2018

A conversation with an artist voter in my district.

The other week I was at one of the neighborhood bars, and I bumped into this one (older) (Asian immigrant) artist who I've met before, and we talked a bit about local politics and my campaign, especially affordable housing issues, which she's super concerned about.

She was a bit down from national politics and had been drinking all evening, and when I ordered chips, she asked for one, so I shared it with her, and later I ordered a big packet of Beernuts, and I shared them with her, too.

"Please, have as many as you want!", I was like.  "My dad won a hundred dollars on a scratch-off ticket and sent me fifty, so you can thank him for that!"

Like right after that, she started talking about the difficulty of declining funding sources for artists, and how the NEA had been on the downswing with funding since the Bush years, and how it was really depressing, and she kept saying stuff like that.

All of a sudden, then, I started laughing to myself, and I told her, "Sorry, I really shouldn't be making jokes with voters, I've been telling myself I have to stop doing this, but..." - and at this point my tone-of-voice became a bit theatrical - " mean to say... " - and at that I gestured at the Beernuts - "...that you're not content with peanuts?".

And then I just laughed and laughed at my own joke, really heartily.

She smirked a bit, too, but only for a second, and then she grimaced and like immediately gave me the finger.

She held it up right in front of my face.

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