Monday, April 30, 2018

Highlights of campaigning at a bar till 2am.

First off, a fight breaks out, and someone gets chucked from the bar.

Second off, the men's room has a urinal right next to the toilet, no divider, and me and the (pot-bellied) (white) (male) bartender somehow end up in there pissing at the same time, and he pisses while I'm pissing, and I have to maintain conversation on random campaign and personal bullshit, while finishing off and keeping my head in a natural position looking out in some other direction than where his junk is at.

"You got my vote," he tells me later in the night, after spotting me a beer at some point earlier.

Later on, I'm by the back bar, and there's this bearded white ex-jock guy next to a white girl, both younger, and the guy's all hepped up and tries to sell me cocaine, then says something about his having a ten-inch dick, then at some point says I have to understand the neighborhood and calls me an "asshole," then says can I guarantee that his alley gets plowed, then on, can I guarantee it, then that if he gives me an eightball can I do that for him.

"Hey," I was like, "Forget the eightball, come into my office and roll out your ten-inch dick, then let's see where that gets you, 'asshole,'" and when I said "asshole," I put airquotes around it, mocking him.

At that, he didn't know what the fuck to say, and his ladyfriend started laughing out loud, and then she held out her hand and highfived me, and was like, "You got my vote!".

Later, I texted about the situation to my one art school colleague who wears women's clothes, and in the middle of our conversation about it, he's like -

I mean I always avoided certain situations but it at the point where hanging wi[th] any straights is usually them trying to get attention and run a game for drugs

- and then -

And recent events have proven that some will lure the sex and attack if you go for it.  Though in my experiences I did not go for it....

- and then -


. . .

I knew that campaigning would take me to new places but I never anticipated this, to be honest.

I kind of love it.

At some point, someone was also dropping major ass in the bar, and me and a constituent were talking about who did it and how much it sucked.

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