Sunday, October 19, 2014

Subway experience of my one Greek student.

The other week my one Greek student was going in to work in the morning on the subway, and this one guy in sloppy clothes holding a garment bag got a cell call and began speaking loudly on the phone and was like, “What?! You mean the meeting’s happening earlier?”.

Then, as soon as he got off the phone, he started opening the garment bag to get his dress shirt out, then he began taking off his shirt and put on his dress shirt and laced up his tie.

As soon as he was going to go unzip his pants, though, this guy standing next to him pulls out a badge and is like, “Stop!  I work with the transit authority.”

At that point, the guy breaks character and said he was doing a sociological experiment, and this girl a few seats down stood up and said she had been taking notes as part of a group project for class, to see how people reacted when group norms were violated.

After those two got off the train, my one Greek student talked with the transit cop, and it turns out that he wasn’t involved with the experiment, he was just going to a dentist’s appointment and happened to be there and have his badge on him.

“You know,” my one Greek student was like, “I don’t think it’s about group norms so much, it’s about how much you’re worried that someone who’s doing something crazy could do something crazy to you if you try to intervene.”

He then told me about this (young) (black) guy who looked like he was on drugs who once came on the train with a boombox turned on full blast, and he kept looking around like he wanted someone to ask him to go turn it down so he could go off on them.

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