Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Very Rewarding Bar Night (4 of 5): 5 Places Downtown.

At a closing hotel bar, I was talking with the (white) (male) bartender and somehow we got on the subject of people from 2nd and 3rd world countries who are in the States because of kidnapping threats.

“My one friend disappeared,” he was like, and told me about this dude who was half hispanic and half Syrian and said his parents were in oil.  “But he did a lot of cocaine and was getting paranoid, then one day an email bounced back and I called and his number was disconnected.”

He said that the guy used to say that people were watching him, and they would come into his apartment and move shit around when he wasn’t there.

Also, he would say that the people who lived across the alley from him were Satanists, and they were the ones responsible for throwing dead rats into his yard.

“So did you ever find out what happened to him?”, I was like.  “Did your other friends know anything?”.

“I only knew him through people and the other people drifted off and never knew him so well, so,  no,” the bartender was like.  “And we weren’t that close.  But, I feel kind of bad, I just have no idea what happened to him.”

“That’s too bad,” I was like.  “Both for what happened with him, and because people like that make life interesting.”

“I know,” the bartender was like.  "I miss him."

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