Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Guys at the Gym.

My one hippie-ish/backwoodsman-ish colleague from school was saying that when he was changing at the university gym the other day, the guy down the bench from him had these *gigantic* testicles the size of plums that were pendulously hanging a little bit down his legs, they were weighing down his ballsack that much.

“After I got done changing and turned around,” he was like, “The guy was putting this big brown robe on!  The dude was a monk!”

Then, he was like, “I wonder if his balls are that big since he can’t jack and they’re full of jizz.  Really, they were totally like the size of plums, his balls were that huge.”

Then, he added again, “I wonder if all monks’s balls are like that.”

. . .

(It seems that a few of the Franciscans from the local community in the university neighborhood must use the university gym...)

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