Friday, February 10, 2012

Book burning.

The other day I was studying Hebrew vocab with my book spread out on the counter as I cut up garlic for the hummus that I was getting ready to make, and I smelled something burning.

I checked the pot of boiling garbanzo beans, and then I noticed that the edge of the Hebrew grammar book was singed from being an inch away from the edge of the pot; though not near the flame, the heat had poured out from under the pot and signed the cover and the pages at the upper corner.

So, I blew on it and put it out.

The next day, I showed it after class to my instructor, as a fun thing.

He pointed out that according to rabbinics, I would have to deposit the grammar in a genizah, since it contains biblical passages and should neither continue to be used or destroyed.


Anonymous said...

the book needs a proper burial?

el blogador said...

Well, more of a setting-aside in a place where no-one will come across it. I don't think genizahs are buried, technically.