Saturday, January 15, 2011

The lengths I go to for our planet...

When I got back from visiting my one Dutch friend in St. Louis, something smelled a bit funky in my apartment, though when I checked the fridge, everything was fine.

When I went to the kitchen table, where I had left out some fruits and vegetables – bananas, oranges, apples, potatoes, and onions – everything looked fine at first, until I noticed that some moisture had been trapped in the bottom of the bag, and there was a bit of mold growing on the potatoes.

I opened up the bag and found one rotten potato that I threw out, otherwise I punched holes in the bag and am trying to eat as many potatoes a day as I can, starting with the moldiest ones first (I peel the skin and the mold off 1st for each potato, though, of course).

The first dish I made was a potato salad with boiled potatoes and onions with an oil-and-vinegar dressing with some dried herbs thrown in. The 1st bite I took tasted moldy, and then I just realized it was the taste combination of rosemary and thyme.

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