Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Memoir of the guy who fucked Ayn Rand.

I'm starting the memoirs of Nathaniel Branden, who wrote a fan letter to Ayn Rand when he was a college student at UCLA and ended up being her heir apparent and lover despite their 25-year age difference.

He also helped found the modern self-esteem movement.

Anyhow, I love this part from the end of the "Author's Note" that begins the book:

Finally, my greatest debt is to my wife, Devers, whose contribution to this book - both editorial and psychological - is immeasurable. She provided inspired input from the first page to the last. Not only did she encourage me to write freely and openly about my relationships with three other women but she lovingly and mercilessly challenged me to keep going deeper into self-disclosure. This book is dedicated to her in love and gratitude.

When you read something like that, you know it's going to be a good memoir, esp. when it's from the guy who fucked Ayn Rand.


Anonymous said...

Ayn Rand is my nephew's hero.

el blogador said...

Get him this book. It's incredibly readable. There's also a new bio out on her (I want to read that after this).

Anonymous said...

He told me all about the book over Thanksgiving.

el blogador said...

Is it as good as Nathaniel Branden's memoirs? I'm going to be reading the bio soon, I'll let you know. I wonder if the bio talks about what Ayn Rand was like in bed. Probably not, is my guess.