Sunday, November 29, 2009

Manson conversion bio.

So, I was going through my bookshelf the other day, and realized I never returned the Manson conversion bio (not of Manson, but of Sadie Mae Glutz).

I found it very interesting, because it turns out she became Pentecostal and reinterpreted a lot of her experiences as encounters with demons.

For example, she had this vision once on drugs where there were these spirits in her belly and then they crawled out through her skin, and in remembering she combines that with Manson telling her there was something special in her, so she sees that as the demons in him recognizing the demons in her.

The night of the Sharon Tate murders, too, she was chasing someone out on the lawn with a knife, and she looked back and saw Tex levitating above the ground inside, and she remembered at that moment that a woman from the Family said she felt possessed after sleeping with him, and she realizes now that he was possessed during the murders.

In the photo section in the middle of the book there's this picture of her with long hair and in a flowery dress smiling, above the caption:

My smile is because of Jesus.

My favorite part of the book is when she converts, she tries to convert other prisoners in her women's prison, like this lesbian she converted (I'm jumping in at the tail end of the story, p. 284-285):

When she was released from prison, an entirely different person walked out the front gate, delivered from one of the most blatant sins found in a women's prison. Lesbianism is rampant, with sixty-five per cent of the women at least occasionally participating and forty-five per cent openly committed to it as a life style. Most of these become lesbians after entering prison, and prison officials seem unable or unwilling to do anything about it. They don't condone it, but they don't condemn it either.

On the main campus at CIW, women frequently manage to sleep together, and lesbian activity is often visible right on the lawns and other places.

With that, she ends a section in the chapter.


JUSIPER said...

Manson was anti-lesbianism? That's kind of surprising. There's an acronym for temporary lesbians in prison, but I forgot it. It's in a Kathy Griffin episode where she visits a women's prison.

Anyway, that anecdote about the lawns is surely worth a $30 fine.

JUSIPER said...

Oh my mistake. Jesus is against lesbianism, not Manson.

JUSIPER said...

Found it. LURD=Lesbian until release date.