Thursday, March 19, 2009

dangerous Chinese products / an e-mail from my mother.

I've had these q-tips from the dollar store downstairs for a while, and I noticed sometimes the cotton becomes a little detached from the stick after I clean out my ears and look to see how much earwax I got, and then last night I went to look at the swab-part, and it was gone, I noticed I had a hard time hearing in my right ear. I couldn't pick anything out with my fingers, and I didn't have tweezers, so I called my upstairs neighbor who I volunteered in Indiana for Obama with, and she came down in her pajamas (it was like 11pm) with her pair, and had me kneel on the bathroom floor while she pulled out the swab.

She is also coming, she said, to the sex documentary series/discussion group this upcoming Tuesday.

Also, I got this e-mail from my mother today, in response to a question from her on what "rara avis" means in Latin, the 2nd such question she's asked (a while ago she asked me if "sui generis" meant XYZ and she totally had the wrong defintion):

I thought it meant rare bird, but was afraid if I got it wrong this time, you'd doubt I had an undergraduate degree!


Love. Mom

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