I've only ever seen this coffee at a yuppie market, and it's always been priced at twenty dollars every time I've been in there, so I decided that this would be a reward for myself when I finished the second-to-last paper of my masters program, which I did a few weeks ago (for the last one, I'm getting me an Illy can!).
I was very confused since when I shook this can, it sounded like roasted beans, so I asked the guy working the coffee counter at the yuppie market, and he agreed, so he said to open it and he'd grind it for me if it was beans, and it was, so he did.
Unfortunately, the coffee is still really shitty, though I did notice that for some reason someone stamped "BEANS" on the can:
Also, the address is Rome, which is why yuppies probably pay twenty dollars for it:
Also also, note the weird stag-and-cross thing going on on the front. High end coffee cans are weird like that.
Lastly, the whole thing about this being beans in a can made me think more about the parameters of my collection. I think it's kosher; the only things I refuse are empty cans, and things that are supposed to be coffee but aren't, like the weird combos of chopped-up roots that are the coffee substitutes that you can buy in places like the organic markets of Fairfield, Iowa.
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