Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Coffee Can for You (10 of 63): Cafe La Llave.

This coffee can is one of my favorites, though I'm not sure whether I should capitalize the "l" in "la" or not whenever I write the name of the coffee can in not-all-upper-case letters (Cafe la Llave? Cafe La Llave?):

Unfortunately, the picture messes up the color of the can, which is a rich dark green color, and not so much vomit-y green.

It took me forever to find this can -- in fact, I only ever saw this coffee in bricks when I was at Latino markets looking for coffee cans, so I actually thought for a while that such a can didn't exist.

I also like the alliterative quality of "Cafe La Llave", and how it's "Coffee the Key" when translated from the Spanish.

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