Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Library noise -- my new strategy.

The trouble with the main library on campus is that the public computer terminals where you can work on papers are on the first floor, and that's also where there's tables that groups can use to study, and also where there's foot traffic and people run into each other. If everyone whispers it's fine, but if not, you find yourself having to listen to all manner of loud bullshit, like just now when I was working on some school shit and everyone on the entire first floor is quiet, and this chick walks up to a guy at a computer right near me and is like, "Hey there," and hits him flirtatiously, and then they start talking loudly about whatever and flirting and he takes his time packing up and they stare into each other's eyes and bullshit like that, so I was like (as I am usually), "Hey, can you guys please whisper?"

The guy, then, did the standard retort (which I've gotten it a few times before), which is giving a "what the fuck's up with you" look and condescendingly being like, "We're on the first floor."

So, I was like, "You know, I'm sorry, but it's not about rights, it's about consideration, jackass," and I really emphasized the word "jackass".

I think that's my new retort from now on. He apologized right away, though I'm not sure if it was due to my lucid reasoning or my clear aggression.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing it's the aggression.