Thursday, August 30, 2007

Traffic direction: direct and helpful.

I went downtown for a movie yesterday and went down a bit early to read outside and relax, but it was getting overcast, so I walked over to the theater a bit early to set up in the zen coffee place there. Traffic was pretty busy, though, and when I went to cross a street the walk light changed to a flashing red "stop!" hand, so I hesitated, but all of a sudden this public transit employee I hadn't noticed before, a four-and-a-half foot tall dark black woman with a big potbelly, stepped out from the opposite curb in the middle of a car that was trying to sneak a righthand turn, stopping it in its tracks, and kept swinging her arm for me to cross and being like, "C'mon baby, c'mon baby."

She did this "c'mon, baby"-thing for some people who came up on the other side, too, but when this 60s-ish white woman with immaculate shoulder-length hair and a flowing, natural-fiber summer dress and an off-the-shoulder canvas beach bag stopped at the curb, she was like, "C'mon princess, you gotta get your [missed the word, something "-ggs" or "-ggers"] on home, there's a storm comin' on," and then she turned to the people behind the white woman and started up the "c'mon, baby"-thing again.


JUSIPER said...

That is fantastic.

el blogador said...

The other woman didn't even know what hit her. She just walked across the street, not knowing what the heck was going on.

el blogador said...

If I had my shit together, I would figure out how to make an audio file of me imitating that woman, since you can't even begin to picture the story unless you hear the way she kept saying "C'mon, baby."