Thursday, August 2, 2007

Had some housing issues.

It turns out that my friend from the mostly-all-girl punk band the Pussy Pirates had the lease dates messed up and her lease doesn't expire on Saturday, instead it expired yesterday, as I discoverd when I woke up to find everything cleaned out by her roommates and painters coming in to redo the place and get ready for the next tenents. She's on tour on the West Coast, but luckily I got in touch with one of her roommates and now I'm sleeping on the couch at his new place, so as it goes, I'm now living with three people that I never met before Monday. Thankfully they're happy stoners; even though my friend left all this shit at the house -- pirate paraphenalia, art her friends gave her, a giant foam rubber fat suit that she at one point incorporated in the act -- and they had to clean it up, they did it and now they're housing me.

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