Thursday, August 2, 2007

A few interesting mistakes going from German to English.

I forgot to write this, my colleague from Leipzig made two really interesting linguistic mistakes in speaking English yesterday where you could see her German-ness came out:

1) When I was asking her if she had gone to any other good concerts recently, she was like, "Of course I have! I have so many great concerts this year seen!" (She was separating "have" and "seen" and putting "seen" at the end of the sentence, just like you would in German.)

2) When I was telling a story about chickens being genetically modified with genes from eagles for higher egg-laying, we kept talking more about the chicken breed, and she kept saying the word "eagle-chicken", as in, "Perhaps my aunt should buy an eagle-chicken!" (She was making a compound noun out of the two concepts, something along the lines of "das Adlerhuhn"; this type of thing is something German is notorious for.)

Those were the only two really telling mistakes out of our like forty-five minute conversation.

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