Tuesday, January 14, 2025

White Lotus, Season Three.

My one (chubby) (Thai) coworker is very excited for the third season of the White Lotus, because her favorite K-pop star Lisa is going to have her first acting role in it.

She is adamant that Lisa earned it, and even though the person Lisa is dating is somehow related to the show, she said that she had to work for it and go through casting, just like everyone else, and people just don't want to believe in her talent.

After binge-watching the first two seasons, too, she said she's also interested to see what happens with the setting in (Thailand)...  The second season was set in (Italy), she said, and there were a lot of local actors and people speaking (Italian) in the background, and there was even (Italian) music used as part of the show's soundtrack, so she's wondering what equivalent stuff will happen with (Thailand).

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