...at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now:
Three (highly gay) (dance performance-associated) (grad student-types) -- one (white) and two (Asian-American) -- come to dine outside and have drinks, like they have occasionally towards the end of semester at least once before, and for some reason even though they're outside and it's hotter, they decide to order the hot sake that we bring out warmed in a white ceramic bottle along with the little thimble-like cups that you can pour it into and drink it out of.
And then, later, when I'm clearing a dish, the dish-rim accidentally hits the rim of a sake cup and knocks it over and it spills its sake down through the wire-mesh table-top, and pours that sake all over the ground.
Since they had just said that they'd like a second bottle, I first apologized profusely, and then I said that I'd top that second bottle off on the high side, to compensate them for the sake that I had just spilled.
"Or, alternately, you could lick it off the pavement," I was like.
I then changed topics and asked them if they knew who Betty Ford was (they didn't), and so I explained, and then I said that I was recently at the post office to buy stamps, and they had a book of stamps featuring her, and the post-lady said that they weren't selling well, when I bought some.
I also mentioned that when I was growing up, one time a friend of my parents left out a small bowl of sealed-packet individual pad-swabs of rubbing alcohol, alongside a note stating: "Betty Ford after-dinner mints."
"Sorry," I was like, "I was just thinking about this, because I mentioned licking alcohol off the pavement."
"No problem," the one (super-gay) (Asian-American) guy was like.
Then, he paused, and then he gleefully cried out, "Betty Ford sum-mmer!"
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