Thursday, February 2, 2023

False alarm.

The other afternoon I was getting ready to write, and all of a sudden I can hear music and just feel a bass beat inside my chest.

Like the past two months, the front upstairs neighbors have been occasionally doing stuff where I can hear their bass, even though they're forty to fifty feet away and the music is centered in the part of their apartment that's farthest away from me...  Like, I can't actually hear any music, even if I stand on my doorstep, but I can feel it when I'm inside my cottage, probably because there's this thing that can happen where low frequencies start to match up to the length of walls and floors and those actually become huge amplifiers like woofers, so maybe they moved their speakers to a new spot or got new ones or are just playing loud and different types of music all of a sudden, and that's what's happening.

So, I strolled outside to get my mail and maybe knock on their door like I have, except the music wasn't coming from there, oddly.

So, on the walk back to my back cottage, I loop around the other side of the house, and I notice there in the adjacent driveway this car running with lights (?) and music on, and this teeny-bop college-age girl with bleached blonde hair looking down at her hands and probably texting.

So, I walk into my cottage and put my mail down, figuring that she'll be gone soon, but it's already been like ten or fifteen minutes, so I'm like "F*ck it," and I turn right around and walk back out to go talk to her.

And, she she sees me coming and rolls her window down, and I tell her that I live next door and I can feel her bass and can she turn it down, and she's like, "Oh, I'm so sorry!", and she does.

So, it wasn't my front neighbors after all.

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