Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The (Young) (Thai) Married Couple (2 of 2): Street encounter.

Around that same time, I was walking back from the library on campus, and who do I see coming towards me on the sidewalk on my route between the campus's main library and my house, but the (young) (Thai) married couple.

And, I shouted their names at them, since we were on the same side of the street, but it was a weirdly wide sidewalk there, and they were like six or eight feet over and minding their own business and so they didn't see me.

And, they startled, especially the wife, and then they said hi.

The very next day when we worked together, too, she told me that she didn't recognize me, since she only knows my face with a mask on.

"And I had a different coat and a hat on, too," I was like.

She also said they were coming back from this other (Thai) restaurant on the edge of campus, which makes me wonder if they have better food there.

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