Friday, October 28, 2022

Conference trip memory (2 of 3): More bus trip stop.

As I stood out in the back parking lot of the truckstop eating an Oreos-brand cookies-and-cream ice cream bar and sipping coffee from my thermos, while I was standing in a position where I could see what the bus driver was doing at all times so that he didn't accidentally go and leave without me, this (like early 30s) (vaguely darker-skinned) (thinner) (shorter) (Latina) woman with pulled-back curly hair and a clean crisp style even though she seemed like she didn't have all that much money, was standing somewhere near me, since she too had positioned herself to look through the door of the bus and was also standing there watching to make sure that the driver didn't accidentally go and drive off without her.

And, I thought to myself that she might be Dominican, though she was a little too light for that.

And, we started talking, and it turns out that she's from Venezuela, and so I sympathized with her about the Maduro regime, and I was saying how you never used to see that many (Venezuelan) immigrants, but now for like the past year or two, you see them all the time.

"Yes," she was like, "Life is more, I mean, life is... worse, now."

And then she smiled with a flash of humor and was like, "We are, in..., invade your country."

"Oh no!" I was like, "You are not invading our country."

Then, I made sure to use simple words and was like, "If there is not enough room, it is no problem, we will send Donald Trump to Venezuela, and you will stay here."

And, I got her to laugh.

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