Sunday, July 31, 2022

Animal feat.

A few weeks ago I was taking a walk back from the pharmacy, and I cut through this one mini-park that winds by a creek, where there's these big sandbag embankments going steep up with all of this grass and moss and whatnot growing over them.

And, I turn a corner, and there's like an adolescent bunny just hanging out on the middle of the path, and as I take one more step, he turns and bolts and uses footholds and goes like straight up the eight-to-nine feet of very steep sandbags and disappears over the top.

And then, I notice that vegetation isn't really growing there where the bunny bolted up the wall, and that at the top you can see grass growing on either side, but not right at the section at the top where he hurtled over and disappeared.

So, it was like a path, and that bunny and potentially others have probably done that more than once.

What a great way to trick predators.

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