Sunday, February 27, 2022

Healthcare instructors (1 of 2): The one.

So, in my one healthcare licensing class, the one main instructor is this one (older) (originally from the South) (aging) and (slightly crazy) (black) lady who always mentions her health conditions and her family problems and stuff she watches on TV, especially to make points about class material by relating it to stuff that she watches on TV. Like, she started discussing patients' possible mental health struggles, by talking about Robin Williams's suicide. "You know him," she was like, "He was a wild guy." And, once she kept talking about this celebrity "Sah-zhay" who recently died, and after like three minutes of this, one of my classmates way up towards the front of the room turned to the person sitting next to her and was like, quietly, "I think she means Bob Saget."

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