Monday, February 21, 2022

Healthcare classmates (2 of 4): Four moms.

Last week in my one healthcare licensing class, it was Valentine's Day, and the one (younger) (big-hipped) (dark-skinned black) woman with (some pink cornrows) brought in treats for everyone, a prepackaged Rice Krispies Treat and 3 Starbursts and a homemade brownie in a half Ziploc bag, all of that per person for each person, for like all 16 people in the class. "Ooh, a Rice Krispies treat," I was like, "I haven't had one of those in forever." "I would have made that homemade, too," she was like, "But that's a bit much, and I don't have the time." "I would have bought cupcakes, but I don't have my LINK card!" the one (very young) (white) (slouchy) girl whose hair was (dyed) (a dirty light pink) was like, in front of the whole class. Then, she was like, "I sold it to my sister," like all explaining herself. Later, the topic of fetal health testing came up, and the one (chubby) (mid-20s) (blonde) girl who sits near me and the one (taller) (slightly older) (pale-skinned but vaguely Hispanic) woman both on the other side of the room said that they never got the tests for Down's Syndrome for their kids, since it doesn't matter to them either way.

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