Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Apartment coincidence (3 of 3): Introduction and prank proposal.

So, after that, the next time I saw my neighbor around, I went and mentioned the coincidence and she (they?) said that my one art school colleague who wears women's clothes texted her (them?) and asked if she (they?) knew [my first name], and since they do counselling with the university in the college town that we live in, she (they?) actually runs across that name a lot, and so she (they?) was thinking about that, but then he texted a picture of me to her (them?), and she (they?) was like, "Oh, him!", and she (they?) thought it was funny, too. And, we talked more, all the while my noticing some long scraggly facial hair from underneath her (their?) chin that I hadn't been able to notice the first time that we had met because it was getting dark out then, and it turns out that they've known each other for a long time since even before they both ended up in this part of the country, back from when she (they?) was housemates with someone that my one art school colleague knew from way back when from growing up. And, it turns out that they had just been skyping the previous week to catch up, so, crazily enough, like one week after I had moved in, even before we had figured out the massive coincidence, she (they?) was actually SKYPING WITH MY ONE ART SCHOOL COLLEAGUE LIKE TWENTY FEET AWAY FROM WHERE I WAS SITTING, AND HIS FACE WAS JUST THERE ON HER (THEIR?) COMPUTER SCREEN IN HER (THEIR? APARTMENT ACROSS THE WAY FROM MINE, AND NONE OF US HAD ANY IDEA ABOUT IT. Then, like a time after that, I bumped into her (them?) in the basement where she (they?) were doing laundry and I was returning something to my storage pallet that all the tentants get one of in the basement, and I asked her (them?) if she (they?) wanted to do a prank on my art school colleague... Since he had said it was like a Lifetime movie when I had sent him that picture of her (their?) door from my door, we could set up some whole escalating drama that we could develop over separate texts to him, like where she (they?) would be burning something in the backyard firepit, and we'd arrange where I'd take a secretive picture between my Venetian blinds of her (them?) with her (their?) back to the camera, then I'd text my colleague about how I saw her (them?) using the firepit, and then after she (they?) got in for the night, she (they?) would text him and be like, "I had the strangest feeling someone was watching me tonight." And, we'd figure out places for everything to go from there, and it would gradually escalate to like something on Lifetime, where he'd see the drama coming from both sets of texts to him. But, she (they?) politely but kindly refused, saying that she (they?) didn't think it was funny, since she (they?) lives alone and it can be really quiet and he knows it, and he'd probably protectively freak out and that that wouldn't be cool.

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