Thursday, July 1, 2021

Pleasant bits of resthome life (2 of 2): Sudoku.

Last month at the resthome, the one very pleasant newer resident asked me to teach her sudoku, since she sees them in the paper and her daughter sent her a book, but she doesn't know how to do them.

So, that day the sudoku in the newspaper was at the 3rd of the 4 stages of difficulty, so I told her to wait until Monday when it was a "1" and that we'd get a puzzle and do it together then.

Then, that Monday I had a minute and I grabbed a puzzle and I taught her for a bit, but then I had to go do work and I never had any more time to teach her sudoku that day.

Then, like a week later it was an incredibly slow shift and it turned out that she was free right at the same exact time that I had absolutely nothing to do, so I dug out an easy sudoku from a newspaper and I sat down with her and we took a half hour and we did the whole dang puzzle together.

She was super appreciative.

And, like a week later, she told me out of the blue that she had done another one, and she wanted me to check it for her.

. . .

(This is the same resident who whenever I tell her an innocuous new joke I've learned, usually an atrocious pun, she says that she read years ago that a lot of humor comes from prisoners, since they sit around all day and have nothing to do and so come up with a lot of jokes.)

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