Sunday, May 30, 2021

Overheard resthome conversation: Other people's troubles.

The other week at the resthome, I was lingering in the lobby and waiting to clock out at shift change time, and my one (older) (white) (gay) coworker who works the frontdesk overlapped for like five or ten minutes with the (older) (gruff-voiced) (white) (townie) woman who also works the frontdesk, who had gotten to work a bit early that night.

And, she was talking about how her daughter's trying to get pregnant and so won't take the vaccine, but she's also going out drinking in the suburbs with her friends on the weekend, which doesn't make sense to her.

"Do one or do the other," she was like, "Either try or don't try, but don't say you're doing this when you're doing that."

She then asked my one (older) (white) (gay) coworker if he had ever heard of someone having to carry a dead baby to term, since that happened to someone she knows, the baby was dead because the placenta separated, and now the mom has to carry it for another month until she gives birth and then they can get rid of it.

"Yes, I have," my one (older) (white) (gay) coworker was like, "I think it happens a lot."

"But you hope they could get it out!", my other coworker was like. "She was talking, she says she's taking a bath, she can feel it kick, what do the doctors know, I mean, this lady's going mental, it's not a good thing."

My one (older) (white) (gay) coworker then said that he and his husband just had a friend and his husband over for dinner the other night, he's in his seventies and he's been married five years and he's finally happy, but his back was hurting, and when he finally went to a different doctor, it turns out that it's been prostate cancer, and it's Stage 4 and is actually working its way up the spine and splitting it open.

"I hate that when that happens!", my one other coworker was like, "Anything with your back, they tell you to take an aspirin, then it turns out it's something like that."

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