Thursday, April 15, 2021

A subway trip like a month ago:

1) Coming up at night onto the subway platform near work, there’s so many little blots of what looks like spilled cherry Slurpee all over the platform near the like little booth-like shelter, and a (tall) (stringy) (older) (white) (goateed) (very gay) guy comes up a bit later and starts looking at it, and I start talking with him and he says it’s blood, and then he goes down to talk to the station attendant and then when he comes back up he tells me that, yes, they know, and there’s some down by the vending machine in the station, too.

2) The ride itself home is quiet, except for a hunched-over (old) (black) guy with a cap on down at the far end of the car, who every once in a while raises his arms up spasmodically, and a (very short) (kind of macho) (Mexican) guy who has his phone out and is listening to some (Mexican) music very loudly on it, and who after a while I notice has a baseball cap on that says “CAT DAD,” under his pulled-up hoodie.

3) When I get off at my station, there’s a (very tall) (very thin) (young) (black) guy with a moustache and a short beard and some (long) dreads with (blonde) tinges on them, and he staggers out of the next car up and then swings around and kind of staggers back to like a foot away from a door like he might re-enter and re-board it, but then he just stands there as the doors shut and the train leaves, and then as I slow my walk to wait and see what he’s doing, he walks over to the far side of the platform and just stands there right at the edge of it with his toes over into the cavernous space area where the train runs, and as I walk up farther I can suddenly see a (younger) (apple-shaped) (very normal-looking) (black) woman sitting on a bench, and her eyes are just all big and you can tell that she’s looking at that guy from out of the corner of them.

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