Monday, January 11, 2021

Resthome conversations (4 of 4): Missing sandwiches.

Also also also at the resthome last month, the one (very chill) resident told me out of the blue that she misses sandwiches and that they don't serve enough sandwiches there.

"They do sometimes," I was like, and I also reminded her that for any meal she could always substitute a sandwich if she ordered ahead of time, since that's something that they do for people who don't like either of the two meal options that they have for every meal.

So, at the very next opportunity, I got the menu for the next day and we looked ahead, and she ordered a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch instead of the 2 options that they had, and it turned out, too, that one of the actual meal options for dinner was a barbecue sandwich.

"Do you still want the grilled cheese sandwich for lunch?", I was like. "If you order the grilled cheese sandwich for lunch and the barbecue sandwich for dinner, you'll get two sandwiches tomorrow."

"And you'll get a happy camper," she was like.

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