Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Cat treat levity.

Last month, my one assisted living client with disabilities was resting in bed and eating her dinner, and since it had been a busy night with chores and I hadn't had a chance to finish off my snacks, I stood outside her bedroom door and ate my apple and my orange there and we chatted maskless at a safe distance as we both ate.

And, once a seed fell from my apple and clicked onto the hardwood floor where I was, and another time a seed fell from my orange and clicked onto the hardwood floor where I was, and each time her cat just jumped to attention and looked to where it fell and hit, since she thought it was a cat treat like I sometimes throw onto the floor for her so she can chase it.

The next time I was at work, I got her cat's attention with a cat treat and set it up on the armrest of a high wooden chair, so she jumped up and tried to eat it, but she accidentally knocked it off and so she hopped onto the floor to go get it.

Since that was so cute, I set another treat onto the armrest of a folded-up wheelchair sitting kind of next to that very same high wooden chair, and she ended up hopping up onto the chair, leaning over and knocking the treat off of the folded-up wheelchair armrest with her paw, and then hopping down to where it had ended up on the floor to go eat it there.

So cute!

I think this also provides entertainment and intellectual stimulation for her, and kind of mixes up her day.

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