Monday, October 26, 2020

Two bits of my life:

1) Before I leave my shift the other week, my one assisted living client with disabilities said I should grab a small Halloween candy bar from the bag of them on the counter that her (lesbian) sister had had dropped off earlier that day.

2) On my way home after my resthome shift last week, it was raining, and lightning got worse right when I got home, so after I sterilized my doorknobs I found that I had to kill time until I could take a shower and settle in, and so I did stuff like unpack my bag and then pack my other bag for the next day and then even like this ten-minute full-body toning pandemic workout that I've doing, till the lightning let up enough that I could squeeze in a quick shower and get clean and hygienically wash all of my exposed body area, and then live my life like normal and have dinner and settle in for a bit before going in to bed for the night.

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