Thursday, August 27, 2020

A Perspective on Cats from 2 (Ethiopian) Coworkers.

Last month, the one resident who's a retired advertising executive had to move to a different department, and so like a week after that news came down his cute cat that everyone had been checking in on was gone, though no-one quite knows where it went to.

"Is she gone?", my one (edgy) (Ethiopian) coworker asked me, after I had gotten the key and gone into the room to double-check if she was there or not.

"Yes," I was like, and I said that she wasn't there, and neither was the pet carrier or the litterbox or her one food dish.

"Then who took her?", my one (edgy) (Ethiopian) coworker was like.

"I have no idea," I was like. "Maybe the wife or the daughter, or [the name of one of our coworkers who liked the cat]?"

"Or [the name of an office worker at the resthome], she like the cat. She is a good cat," she was like, "Not like that cat in [the room number of a resident who passed away this winter]. That cat more like a wild animal!"

And at that, my one (cool) (Muslim) (Ethiopian) coworker chimed in and was like, "I am very afraid of that cat! So big, so black, you go in the room, and it sit there and stare at you. Very scary!".

"Like a wild animal," my one (edgy) (Ethiopian) coworker agreed, and she said that it had even scratched the resident who owned it out of nowhere one day.  "Not like [the name of the cat of the one resident who's a retired advertising executive], she is a sweet cat."

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