Saturday, May 30, 2020

A dream of a foreboding creature.

The other week I dreamnt-

As if I'm in a boat, I'm going around the far edge of the lake that my parents live on, the part that's more woodsy and that has marshes and woods and some houses every now and then, and there's no-one around, and I can see that that one A-frame near the shore on a heavily wooded lot has been torn down to the frame and is being rebuilt up from that.

"Look what they did to the lot," says my mother, who is with me, pointing to some places that have been clearcut.

Next, I'm in a house close to the shore, and there's a (fatter) (later) (middle-aged) woman who's kind of hunched over in a sparsely-furnished wood-panelled room, and she's afraid, but she also won't move from her house, I somehow know.

And, I know that there's something in the woods there and a bit farther inland, and I can see this tallish lanky sandy-colored thing with an almost human form, but with a pointed head that I can't quite see, and there's this giant lump jutting out of their neck, and I know that that's an egg and that that's where they nest their eggs, on the side of their neck.

And then, I wake up.

. . .

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