Thursday, January 2, 2020

My regimen returns.

So, after my worktrip abroad, I began doing what I've been meaning to do for a while, beginning again my reading and writing regimen that I had back in graduate school.

Which is, I write down in quarter hour increments how much time I've actually spent reading and writing, and I try to hit a certain number of hours per day or per week or whatever.

My current goal is at least 16 hours a week of reading and writing, with at least 4 hours of writing among that, and so far I've had no problem hitting it.

I also shelled out like sixty-five bucks and bought an app for my smartphone that lets me block the internet for huge chunks of time. 

I've been using that to restrict myself most days from online stuff during the morning and the evenings, and it really helps to detox you from national events and get you in touch with what's happening around you.

Some mornings I have my coffee and work on Egyptian in the late morning light, and it's just so idyllic.

I used to do that with Latin and Greek and Hebrew, and now I'm back there.

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