Monday, December 2, 2019

Resthome happenings (2 of 2): Chicken leg.

The other week at the resthome after a really nice dinner and everyone had pretty much left, this one resident who can worry quite a bit but is sweet nonetheless went around with a leftover chicken leg that she had put on a small plate and covered with a napkin.

"Would you like it?", she asked everyone, and then she explained that it was perfectly good and she would take it herself and eat it later, but she can't, and she would just hate to see it go to waste.

She offered it to me but I was full and so refused, but after she offered it to some other people and they didn't want it, she still seemed concerned, so I was like, "Okay, I'll take it," and I grabbed the legbone through the napkin and picked it up and started eating it.

"Thank you," she was like.

Then, she was like, "I would eat it myself, it's still perfectly good, but I can't, and I hate to see it sitting there and have it get thrown out."

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