Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A tale of children with animals (2 of 2): A snake.

After that story by the one resthome resident who wants to die, her one (Ghanaian) private aide said that back when her sister was a baby, her mom took her sister to visit their grandmother in the village, and she was playing on the floor and they left her for a second and then they came back in, and she was just sitting there playing with a big snake that was just going around and around her, and she was laughing.

"And my mother, she jump up and down, she scream, because she does not know what to do to make the snake leave the baby!", the one (Ghanaian) private aide was like.

And, she said that while her mom was doing that, the snake just slithered off, and her sister was just sitting there all as happy as could be.

Neither her mom or her grandmother had ever seen a snake in the house like that, too, or a snake behave like that at all.

"They know fear," the one (Ghanaian) private aide was like, "And my sister, she did not fear."

She also said that years later, her sister was on a trip and there was someone who had large snakes that you could take a picture with, and she went right in there and did it, and was like, "I love snakes, I loved snakes as a baby," and she laughed, because she did, and because she still didn't have any fear of them, she just loved the big yellow snake sitting around her shoulder, and she took a picture with it.

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