Friday, August 16, 2019

Banter between me and two (Tibetan) coworkers the other day at dinner time.

The other day at dinnertime when it was time for the staff meal, it was either lasagna or salad, and as I was waiting in line with my one (pensive) (Tibetan) coworker and my one (quiet) (Tibetan) coworker, I was like, "I need to lose some weight, but this lasagna looks too good."

And, I puffed out my chest and patted my belly, where I need to lose five or six pounds.

"You look pregnant," my one (pensive) (Tibetan) coworker was like.

And, since our one (male) (Tibetan) coworker was on paternity leave and I happened to be filling in for him that day, I was like, "Yes, I'm filling in for [our (male) (Tibetan) coworker's first name] now, and then he'll fill in for me when it's my time."

Then she laughed and she was like, "Looks like twins," chuckling.

Later, too, I was talking with our one (quiet) (Tibetan) coworker, and she said that the way it looked like I was carrying it, I'd have a girl, in their culture.

A slight bulge means a girl and a big circle means a boy, she said.

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